Is video the future of real estate marketing?

Question: Is video the future of real estate marketing? 

Answer: Yes. 

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Okay, i’ll flesh that out a bit! But after I do, we need to ask the really interesting question which is, if video is the future of real estate marketing then why are the vast majority of agents in the UK not using it right now? Now thats a good question! 

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Video marketing is for you!

Did you know that 84% of people say they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video. Did you know YouTube reaches more 18- to 49-year olds in an average week than all cable TV networks combined? I could go on for days with similar statistics, but the point is; if you are trying to grow your business but are not utilising video marketing, then you are asleep at the wheel! Video marketing is for you.

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