Social media video trends 2021

All brands are competing for attention on social media platforms. With approximately 3 seconds to grab the attention of a user before those thumbs continue scrolling, what brands are posting is becoming more and more important. Poor quality social media content simply doesn’t cut the mustard (what a weird phrase…). So what can be done to get the edge? Let’s take a look at what’s hot and what’s not in social media video right now with some real world examples picked out from a scroll down Instagram lane. 

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Five reasons you need videos on your website

We all know the feeling of hard work going unnoticed. Maybe you did the dishes and vacuumed the floors, only to hear that painful silence ringing in your ears when your partner gets home… it hurts! We all put hard work into our websites, whether that’s your own hours personally refining, writing and coding, or someone else’s hours at your expense. But the sad truth is, no matter how slick, how well written, how engaging your website is, it is all for nothing if nobody visits! Reason one why you need videos on your website: Video is 53 times more likely to drive a first page search result on Google. It is as simple as that. If you have video on your website, you are more likely to rank higher in googles listings, and higher ranking means more impressions, which means more visitors, which means more potential customers. 

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Is it okay to work for free?

Let’s talk about money. At various points in my career as a videographer I have decided to work for free. However, as someone who is also involved in the music industry, I have always felt slightly uncomfortable about this controversial practice, and to this day I am still split about whether it’s okay or not! 

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Three tips for filming better interviews

Prep well, settle nerves, be present.

I love the documentary format. For me, there is nothing better than flicking Netflix on and seeing a brand new original sitting there ready for me to burn through. I consume them! Some of my favourites that come to mind from the last few years include 13th, Blackfish, Fyre, The Social Dilemma, and of course the OG – Making a Murderer. 

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